The gingerbread cookies are already Phone Number Database in the store. And I believe that, if that is possible in September, we should take the liberty in early October to take a look at the predicted online trends in 2017. Will 2017 bring Phone Number Database something surprising? Nah. Is it good to read this article? Of course. If only to give shape and substance to your plans for the coming year. For it is approaching rapidly! So: what Phone Number Database are we going to do, what can be done differently, better, more fun? What 'do we have to do something about.
What is interesting and, above Phone Number Database all, relevant for your marketing communication strategy? Is there anyone who dares to say something about the coming year? Of course. There are several parties, people, websites that Phone Number Database have already made some lists. I have to say, sometimes it feels like old wine in new bottles. Perhaps not so surprising, because the internet is not evolving that fast Phone Number Database nowadays . Here I tell you what I encountered. The trends below apply to marketing communication, content and social media. The Smart Insights site , the Jeff Bullas blog , the Joe Pulizzi.
Forbes , among others, identify the Phone Number Database following trends (the larger research firms are expected to publish their forecasts in October). smartphone-laptop-tablet-book 1. Even more smartphone use Smartphone use is Phone Number Database increasing in all parts of the world. Especially in Asia, there has been an unprecedented growth in smartphone use in recent years. More than 50% of searches are done on mobile 91% of Facebook usage (daily active users) is mobile 80% of Facebook advertising revenue is from mobile use 90% of the time users spend on their mobile is on apps.