Others have the company name UK Phone Number Database List as the page title. Ideally, each page of your website should have a unique page title. It should be short, yet clearly summarize what the page is all about. Keep it within 60 to 100 characters. The Windows Title bar can’t show UK Phone Number Database List any longer than that anyway. Using appropriate Meta Tags for Keywords, Description If you have never heard of Meta Tags, do not be UK Phone Number Database List alarmed. These Meta tags are not meant for humans.
It is more meant for search engines, so that they can assess what UK Phone Number Database List the site is all about. To check if your webpage UK Phone Number Database List has Meta tags setup, visit any page on your website, and do a View Source from your browser’s UK Phone Number Database List menu. You will notice that just below the are tags like meta name="keywords" content="Branded Watches, Second hand watches” meta name description" content="Branded Watches Unlimited – Second hand UK Phone Number Database List branded Watch Store” Many UK Phone Number Database List search engines use these Meta tags to show the description below your website in the search engine listings pages.
The biggest Search engine who uses this kind of listing is Yahoo. Even Google uses the keywords to some extent. Using Descriptive UK Phone Number Database List Headings If you know basic HTML, using Header tags (starting from H1, H2 to H6), for your headings, sub headings gets these keywords a higher weightage in search engine rankings. You can edit the HTML for UK Phone Number Database List your website using editors like Microsoft FrontPage or Dream weaver. Then add a H1 tag to your most important heading line. For sub headings, use H2, and so on. Having a Site Map on your website A site map is a virtual map of your website.