Whether you own a small business or work as a part-time personal trainer, internet marketing options will be available in some form. Marketing strategies can range from simply blogging about your business or promoting it through a website. The idea here is to use the internet to promote your current business. Those entrepreneurs not doing this are simply undermining their ability to land new customers.
The internet is there for your promotional use. Why not take advantage of it? What about those entrepreneurs that might not already email list have a pre-existing business in place? There are scores of internet marketing programs available to those that do not currently own a small business or are involved in an entrepreneurial venture.
Network marketing opportunities would be the most common programs of this nature. Make sure the network marketing program you are considering is a viable and comprehensive one. Does it offer website building and development, affiliate support and training, and provide fair commissions? Take all these factors into consideration before signing on with such a program. Here is another bit of helpful advice: stick with those areas you have knowledge in. Try to avoid second guessing the market.