Emails in our inboxes with such obvious failures that it's clear no one took a second look before hitting "Send." every time you touch a live email, you introduce the possibility of something breaking. Additionally, email clients are removing or changing support for html, css, and other key components without notice. That's why every email is worth testing, even if you're using a template you just tested yesterday. Testing helps you spot and fix problems in your email messages before they're sent to your subscribers. It's something you need to build into your email workflow so it's part of your regular process, not something you do haphazardly or as time permits. Ebook anatomy of a broken email anatomy of a broken email
The email issues that marketers shudder at and how email testing helps you find and fix them before you send. Download the ebook → here are five potential company mailing list hotspots to test: email #1 failure: broken links don't miss a conversion opportunity by sending your subscribers to a 404 or outdated landing page. The broken link that sent your customers into no man's land is one of the most obvious errors to spot and fix with careful testing. Unlike urls in plain-text emails, urls in html messages typically hide behind hyperlinks in your copy, images,
Or call-to-action buttons, so they can't simply be verified with an eye scan. You'll need to click on each one to ensure they send the subscriber to the intended destination and to ensure clicks are tracked so you can measure your campaign's performance. Automate your link checks with litmus checklist manually checking each link can be a tedious process, especially when sending complex campaigns with many links. The litmus checklist automates this step for you. Simplified link checking in litmus checklist our link checker feature automatically checks all links in your email to ensure they are valid and lead to the correct landing pages, and runs the link against the google safe browsing database to search