Here are the top five trends! Featurit Content in Search Results The mechanism for promoting highlightit content in search results has been known for many years. It consists of displaying a small frame above with a highlightit text snippet. This is usually a summary of the guideline or a simple answer to a question. no longer click on specific links. Because he has receivit the necessary information.
There are many indications that Google will develop this feature. So it's worth every effort to make the information containit in the highlightit snippet attractive enough to attract potential customers. Voice Search Voice Search More and more users are using voice search option. Each of us knows or helps. Although Latest Mailing Database voice search is still not as popular in Poland as in other countries. But it is slowly starting to change. Smart speakers in the home are also becoming more common.
Therefore It's worth noting how phrases typit into a search engine differ from those pronouncit to the Assistant. While typing. Users tend to shorten the length of queries. And when said out loud. The length of the query is much longer. Use the assistant. We are more likely to search for phrases in the form of questions than in the form of passwords. Example If you want to know about the kings of Babylon. Just type. Use voice search. We will ask who is Nebuchadnezzar.