Psychological one, to that of daily life, up to that of a purely spiritual nature. The centered man, sovereign of himself, will also be able to benefit from the world of the Internet, he does not capitulate in the face of the "infodemic" for example, or that excess of information that is present on the net , and which literally risks sending mush the brains, researched, read, or as they say in jargon "googled". After all, as Jean Baudrillard would say, "instead of transforming mass into energy, information produces more and more mass" (2018, p. 50). The self-possessed man will be able to benefit from this mass of information and sources, as Sartori himself says. Perhaps by integrating, "hybridizing" (cited by McLuhan) his knowledge, which is basically "made from books", with the vastness of sources that the Internet can offer
Which to all intents and purposes we could mobile number list consider as the largest mass library and video library never existed. [AML]-quote-quotes-1The more man is centered on himself, sovereign of himself, the more he is able to face life in all its aspects. It does not capitulate to the "infodemic", to that excess of information that is present on the net. 13-01 logos in the digital age [cropped image] Back to index intuitive logic But logic is not just deduction, based on formal reasoning, as we have seen. Logic is also, or perhaps above all, "intuition". And as such it had already been seen by Plato and then taken up by Aristotle, whose correctness of formal logic can do nothing if the premises of the syllogism are wrong.
At most this formal logic can, in addition to serving to describe, explain the intuition, or rather the "intellectual intuition", which stands above the rational world, as seen by Plato: when the ideas residing in the transcendent world they are reflected on the immanent level, and through the act of intuition, precisely, which constitutes the connection between these two worlds. This also clarifies the birthplace of what at this point acquires the value of a real "force", namely the "logos". Logos is a force, a primordial.