When it comes to new technologies there is something else worth noting. I mean Jamstack and this type of solution where static CSS files and assets are dynamically generated. For Google this is a perfect solution because such pages are static and very fast. mistakes that are keeping you from Google customers Learn the most common Google mistakes. See how you can solve each of them. Plan the visibility of your website in Gogol. Copy a ready and effective action plan. See examples of our clients' successes. Receive free access → linkbuilding When it comes to SEO positioning for software houses or IT companies it is impossible not to mention the links that need to be acquired.
The competition is big enough that I can say in the dark you will need good quality links. There are two issues to be addressed at this stage First you need somewhere to link. Targeting Latest Mailing Database links only to the homepage is sooooo old days. So back to the basics you need to have all offer or guide pages to which you can link thematically. After all they are supposed to appear as search results. The linking strategy must therefore be identical to the overall SEO strategy. Links are an activity that is supposed to reinforce content. Without content they won't help you in any way.
The second thing is the quality of the links. Buying hundreds of links from forums directories or other such places is a waste of time and money. At the moment the only sensible form of obtaining links are sponsored articles which can additionally have a positive impact on the image. It would be best to publish such articles in industry portals or IT blogs of which there are a lot. However it will not be cheap one sponsored article can cost even several thousand. zloty. An alternative here will be information portals that are characterized by the best pricequality ratio.